Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Haven Museum

Hiking in the historical museum I did not really like it. I think his collection is very poor. 
Here's a short list of what you can see there:
  • Fine Arts – paintings, including landscapes by local artists and portraits from the 18th and 19thcenturies; watercolors, prints and drawings.
  • Decorative Arts – regional furniture from the 17th through the 19th centuries, pewter, silver, clocks, textiles, glass, and ceramics.
  • Maritime History – images and objects relating to New Haven’s coastal, West Indies, and international trade, oyster industry, and shipbuilding.
  • Technology and Manufacturing – includes an original model and full-size working version of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, an early milling machine from the Whitney Armory, one of the first Morse code receivers, and a reconstruction of the first telephone switchboard.
    Well, according to the tradition of a few photos.

Monday, July 29, 2013

On the last weekend I, along with my good friends and I decided to come off in NY. I've been to New York, but at the time we visited, not all places which are famous for New York. We booked the Hotel in Manhattan.
Here's the way the view from the hotel.

To be honest, I am very hard to impress, but New York did it. I completely disappeared into the city. Of course I look from passing tourists, but still.
The following photos are not in need of my review, we've all seen the footage in the film Hollywood celebrity. You is my emotions when I saw it with my own eyes?

Finish off the day was a trip to wonderful restaurant with my friends.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hello, today my post will be dedicated to the most famous pizzerias in New Haven.
Italian pizzeria is placed on a neighborhood.

This place is visited by many well-known personalities such as Bill Clinton.

Front of the restaurant at any time there is a turn, despite the heat we got up to the total flux,
well, do not regret it.

pizza was very tasty and together we have eaten it very quickly. At the time of waiting order, we discussed many interesting topics, such as politician, travel.

After the pizza I still have only positive emotions :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Yale University Art Gallery or touched beautiful

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Art Gallery in New Haven. The first thing I want to say is that this gallery is free and it allowed photography.

The first thing you see entering the gallery is a statue dedicated to the tragedy of September 11 2001

The next picture I drew at age 7, okay joke is a work of art you'll find on the first floor.

By the way, I admit that do not understand the high art of post-modernism. The next portion of the photos especially for connoisseurs. Leave your opinion in the comments, because I think these pictures accidentally hit the walls of the galleries.

I liked the culture department of the Indo-Pacific.

As for the blades. Left to right: Ceremonial Sword, Warriors knife

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Click on pause.

Today I had the opportunity to visit one of the oldest places in Yale. From this place and breathes history and grandeur of this University. At the same time it is a place where you can relax, bring thoughts in order, not in vain in this case live freshmen, I think this is done in order to help them acclimate, but senior students are not rare visitors, because as I said earlier this place gives you serenity and surrounding buildings interfere with the noise of traffic. Be sure to take a look, maybe you'll discover even more.